Cage Rental
Platinum Package - Cage 1: Hack Attack + Repsodo 3.0
Rates: $35 for 30 minutes or $50 for 60 minutes.
Baseball only. This is recommend for ages 10 and above.
Gold Package - Cage 2: Pitching Machine + Repsodo 3.0
Rates: $30 for 30 minutes or $45 minutes for 60 minutes
Note: This machine is not self feeding. You will need to have an additional participant or parent to feed the baseballs.
Silver Package - Cage 3: Hack Attack Machine ONLY
Rates: $25 for 30 minutes or $40 for 60 minutes.
Note: This machine is not self feeding. You will need to have an additional participant or parent to feed the baseballs. No Repsodo technology in this cage!
Bronze Package - Cage 4: Spin Ball Wizard Machine or 1st Pitch Ace Machine
Rates: $20 for 30 minutes or $35 for 60 minutes.
Note: This machine is not self feeding. You will need to have an additional participant or parent to feed the baseballs. No Repsodo technology in this cage!
Copper Package - Cage 5: Cage and Balls Only
Rates: $15 for 30 minutes or $25 for 60 minutes.